Embraer ERJ195-E2 Azul

Výrobce modelu: Gemini Jets
Objednací kód: G2AZU1231
Měřítko: 1:200
Materiál: Kombinovaně (Kov / Plast)
Váha: 0.5 kg
Registrační číslo: PS-AEH
Rozměry: 16.2×15.5×5 cm (D׊×V)
Letecká společnost: Azul
Výrobce letadla: Embraer
2 116,50 Kč
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Popis produktu

Quality metal/plastic model of Embraer ERJ195-E2 Azul civil aircraft. The model is packed in a paper box and comes with a stand, antenna and chassis.

The Embraer ERJ195-E2 is a modern regional airliner operated by the Brazilian company Azul Linhas Aéreas. This model is known for its low fuel consumption and comfortable interior, which makes it ideal for domestic and regional flights. The Embraer ERJ195-E2 has a higher seating capacity and advanced for more efficient operation.

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