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Praga RN DVS 8 práve SKLADOM!


Výrobca modelu: Herpa
Objednávací kód: 534451
Mierka: 1:500
Materiál: Kombinovane (Kov / Plast)
Hmotnosť: 54 g
Registračné číslo: D-AILU
Letecká spoločnosť: Lufthansa
Výrobca lietadla: Airbus
26,90 €
Nie je skladom

Popis produktu

Kovový model lietadla.

Lu and Cosmo are back! Even after the repainting of the D-AILU, the mascots Lu and Cosmo, popular with younger passengers, could not be missing. Lu is now wearing a pilot's uniform while Cosmo is sliding down the blue stern. If you get a seat at the window above the wings, you can wave at them while flying. Herpa offers the “Lu Hansa” aircraft in four model versions, from the 1: 500 metal model to the large version in 1: 100.

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