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AIRBUS A320 CSA Czech Airlines - NEW 2020 COLORS

Výrobca modelu: Herpa
Objednávací kód: 613033
Mierka: 1:200
Materiál: Plast - SnapFit
EAN: 4013150613033
Hmotnosť: 50 g
Registračné číslo: OK-HEU
Rozmery: 17.1×18.8×6 cm (D׊×V)
Letecká spoločnosť: Czech Airlines
Výrobca lietadla: Airbus
17,90 €
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Model lietadla AIRLINES AIRBUS A320 - NEW 2020 COLORS v mierke 1:200.

With the commissioning of this A320, the Czech airlines is introducing a revised livery. Despite the takeover by Smartwings, the traditional name is still retained: CSA is the fifth oldest airline still flying after KLM, Avianca, Qantas and Aeroflot.

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