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Praga RN DVS 8 práve SKLADOM!


Výrobca modelu: Herpa
Objednávací kód: 533287
Mierka: 1:500
Materiál: Kombinovane (Kov / Plast)
Hmotnosť: 0.45 kg
Letecká spoločnosť: Neo
Výrobca lietadla: Airbus
33,30 €
Nedostupný produkt

Popis produktu

Model lietadla AIRBUS A330-800 NEO.

The shorter variant of the A330 neo family took off for the first flight on November 6, 2018. Thanks to new engines, a new wing and many other new systems, the successor to the A330-200 has a range of over 15,000 kilometers and saves almost 25% fuel compared to older series such as the 767 from Boeing. The first copies are to be delivered in early 2020.

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