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BOEING 737-400 - Kulula "FLYING 102"

Výrobca modelu: Herpa
Objednávací kód: 613026
Mierka: 1:125
Materiál: Plast - SnapFit
Hmotnosť: 150 g
Registračné číslo: ZS-OAP
Letecká spoločnosť: Kulula (South Africa)
Výrobca lietadla: Boeing
18,90 €
Nie je skladom

Popis produktu

Model lietadla BOEING 737-400 - Kulula "FLYING 102" v mierke 1:200.

After the popular “Flying 101” (“101” means basics in English), there now follows a model of the “Flying 102” of the South African Kulula, in which parts of the aircraft are described again in a not very serious way. Among other things, the oxygen masks are declared as "free Darth Vader mouth caps".

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