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Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian

Výrobca modelu: Hobby Master Aircraft
Objednávací kód: HH1207
Mierka: 1:72
Materiál: Kombinovane (Kov / Plast)
Hmotnosť: 0.9 kg
Registračné číslo: 31601
Letecká spoločnosť: ROKAF
Výrobca lietadla: Boeing
89,90 €
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Popis produktu

Kovový model.

The South Korean Army bought thirty six Boeing AH-64E helicopters that included six that were
equipped with the Longbow fire control radar. The Longbow provides the ability to detect up to
one hundred and twenty eight targets at the same time at distances up to twelve kilometers. The
ROK Army equipped two battalions with the new AH-64Es. The AH-64E is meant to replace the
ninety ageing ROKA Bell AH-1S Cobra attack helicopter that began service in 1977. The ROK
Marines have opted for the KAI (Korea Aerospace Industries) Surion.

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