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Douglas C-47 "Sky King" 42-32832, 53rd Troop Carrier Sqn., Mt. Pleasant, USA

Výrobca modelu: Hobby Master Aircraft
Objednávací kód: HL1305
Mierka: 1:200
Materiál: Kombinovane (Kov / Plast)
Hmotnosť: 0.4 kg
Registračné číslo: 232832
Rozmery: 9.6×14 cm (D׊)
Letecká spoločnosť: US Air Force
Výrobca lietadla: Douglas
69,90 € 73,90 €
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Kovový model lietadla s detailnym zobrazenim potlače podľa originálneho stroja s presným označením registračného čísla.
Kolieska su pohyblive z kvalitnej gumy. Kvalitné finišovanie kovu a hladké opracovanie. Stojanček v balení.

Príbeh, klikni TU.

The Douglas DC-3 (DC – Douglas Commercial) is considered by many as the aircraft that revolutionized commercial air travel in the 20th Century. The maiden flight of the DC-3 took place on December 17, 1935, the 32nd anniversary of the Wright Brother’s historic flight at Kitty Hawk. Now airlines were able to be profitable without depending on U.S. Mail subsidies and passengers 
could now fly transcontinental with just one re-fueling stop. There are many DC-3s still flying 75 years after their maiden flights.


Douglas C-47-DL 42-32832 was delivered to the USAAF on February 11, 1943 and assigned to the 53rd Troop Carrier Squadron. On May 4, 1943 42-32832 was one of 13 C-47s ordered to be ferried across the Atlantic Ocean to North Africa. After arriving in North Africa Lt. Donald King became the pilot of this aircraft for the duration of WWII. 42-32832 made paratroop drops, glider missions, flown supplies in and wounded out, it was also involved in D-Day drops and returned to 
the U.S. in July 1945.

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