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Praga RN DVS 8 práve SKLADOM!


Výrobca modelu: Herpa
Objednávací kód: 571074
Mierka: 1:200
Materiál: Kombinovane (Kov / Plast)
Hmotnosť: 0.4 kg
Registračné číslo: N45346
Letecká spoločnosť: TWA
Výrobca lietadla: Douglas
62,90 €
Nedostupný produkt

Popis produktu

Modle lietadla DOUGLAS DC-4 - TWA "THE ACROPOLIS" v mierke 1:200.

The “Acropolis” was built as a C-54 for the US Air Force and in 1945 converted into a civilian DC-4. TWA mainly used its DC-4 on the North Africa route from New York to Cairo. Until 1950 the company was registered under the name Transcontinental & Western Air, only after that the advertising slogan "The Trans World Airline" became the official company name.

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