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Fortschritt E 512 práve SKLADOM!

Kamion Scania Hauber TL rigid tractor

Výrobca modelu: Tekno
Objednávací kód: 80468225
Mierka: 1:50
Materiál: Kov
Hmotnosť: 0.5 kg
Výrobca stroja: Scania
125,00 €
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Popis produktu

Dostupnosť 3/2015

Jedinečný kovový model kamionu od svetového výrobcu s detailnym prevedením, precizne zobrazenie potlače v bezkonkurenčnej cene. Gumenné kolesá s dezenom

Highest accuracy, numerous individual parts and constantly new vehicles make Tekno’s diecast metal models to special collector’s items in the 1/50 scale. All Tekno models are released in small quantities of only 100 to 500 pieces, resulting in each model being next to unique with hoses, warning stickers, additional spotlights and numerous other add-on parts – nevertheless, all models are produced strictly according to the original specifications of the respective vehicle manufacturers, with numerous steps finished by hand. Herpa is the exclusive distributor for Tekno in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.  

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