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Praga RN DVS 8 práve SKLADOM!


Výrobca modelu: Herpa
Objednávací kód: 570992
Mierka: 1:200
Materiál: Plast - SnapFit
Hmotnosť: 81 g
Registračné číslo: J-879
Letecká spoločnosť: Royal Netherlands Air Force
Výrobca lietadla: Lockheed
34,90 €
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The 322nd Squadron is the longest serving unit of the Dutch Air Force. It was set up in 1943 as part of the Royal Air Force, but with Dutch personnel. The pilots with their Spitfires made a name for themselves in intercepting German V-1 guided missiles aimed at Great Britain. To celebrate its 75th anniversary, J-879 was given a special paint to commemorate its beginnings during the Second World War.

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