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MIG29 Fulcrum A 4120, Polish Air Force "100th Anniversary"

Výrobca modelu: Hobby Master Aircraft
Objednávací kód: HA6502
Mierka: 1:72
Materiál: Kombinovane (Kov / Plast)
Hmotnosť: 0.8 kg
Registračné číslo: A 4120
Letecká spoločnosť: Polish Air Force
Výrobca lietadla: Mikoyan
99,90 €
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Kovový model lietadla.

The MiG-29 is a twin-engine supersonic fourth generation air superiority jet fighter developed in
the Soviet Union in the 1970’s. The aircraft entered service with the Soviet Air Force in 1983 and
still is in use with them  as well as equipping over twenty four other countries over the years. The
NATO designation for the MiG-29 is Fulcrum and it was designed to counter the American F-16
and F-18. The MiG-29 was first seen in the West in 1986. The MiG-29 (9-13) is designated the
Fulcrum C.

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