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Northrop F-5E Tiger II 830121

Výrobca modelu: Hobby Master Aircraft
Objednávací kód: HA3334
Mierka: 1:72
Materiál: Kombinovane (Kov / Plast)
Hmotnosť: 0.9 kg
Registračné číslo: 830121
Letecká spoločnosť: ROCAF
Výrobca lietadla: Northrop
74,90 €
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Popis produktu

Kovový model lietadla.

The Northrop F-5 tactical fighter was designed as an extremely maneuverable, supersonic
fighter with a high rate of reliability at a low operating cost. The F-5 first flew on July 30,
1959 with the first customer delivery in 1964. The last of more than 2,600 F-5’s were
produced in 1989 and about two-thirds of these are still in service with 26 countries more
than 4 decades later. The F-5 was manufactured by Northrop Grumman and under license
in Canada, Taiwan, South Korea, Spain and Switzerland.

To mark the 2018 open house held at Taitung (actually called Chih-hang, or Zhihang in
pinyin) Air Base the ROCAF 7th FTW painted three F-5 Tiger II aircraft with tiger schemes.
The three aircraft were F-5E 5291, F-5Fs 5395 and 5403. All the markings symbolize
various items such as the striping for being bred at the air base referred to as the Tiger
Nest; yellow and black represent the tiger’s tenacity and bravery. The 7th FTW is
responsible for training pilots in jet aircraft so they can fly to more advanced jet fighters.

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