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Scania CS 20 high roof silo semitrailer "Herpa Monument IV / Jürgen Schmid"

Výrobca modelu: Herpa
Objednávací kód: 122030
Mierka: 1:87
Materiál: Plast
Hmotnosť: 0.45 kg
Výrobca stroja: Scania
54,90 € 60,50 €
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Extra limitovaný model kamiona, balenie v PVC boxe.

It’s time again: Jürgen Schmid from Teublitz has had his new executive vehicle, a Scania CS with a tipper silo trailer, painted by Walter Rosner himself. The vehicle was handed over to Jürgen Schmid on the occasion of his 55th birthday. As a model with more than sixty imprints, this extraordinary vehicle will also be a milestone in the history of Herpa show trucks. It will be delivered in the matching display case.

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