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Spitfire Mk.IIA P8088, 118 Squadron, ‘The Borough of Lambeth’, RAF Ibsley, May 1941

Výrobca modelu: Corgi Aviation
Objednávací kód: AA39206
Mierka: 1:72
Materiál: Kombinovane (Kov / Plast)
Hmotnosť: 0.7 kg
Registračné číslo: P8088
Rozmery: 13×13.3×7 cm (D׊×V)
Letecká spoločnosť: RAAF
Výrobca lietadla: Spitfire
45,50 €
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Built at the Castle Bromwich Aeroplane Factory, Spitfire Mk.IIA P8088 had its construction costs paid for by the people of Lambeth, South London, hence the name on the side of the fuselage.  Taken on charge by 39 MU at Colerne it was then issued to 66 Squadron on the 21st March 1941.  It quickly became the mount of well-known aviation author P/O Alec Lumsden who added the name 'Bette' to the fuselage as well as the cartoon of A.R.P. Reilly-Foull from the Mirror cartoon Just Jake.

Transferred to 152 Squadron at Middle Wallop when 66 Squadron re-equipped with Spitfire Mk.IIbs, the aircraft was then passed around various operational training units before being lost on the 16th September 1944 when its pilot seemingly passed out at the controls and it dived into the ground and exploded.  The wreck was excavated in April 1978 and parts of it now form a forward fuselage section, still proudly displaying the name 'The Borough of Lambeth'.

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