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Sukhoi Su22M4 Fitter K Czech Air Force, , Royal International Air Tattoo, 1995

Limited edition !
Model manufacturer: JC Wings
Order code: JCW-72-SU20-005
Scale: 1:72
Material: Combined (Metal / Plastic)
EAN: 4895205502307
Weight: 0.9 kg
Registration number: NA-2C
Dimensions: 22.8×13.4×6.9 cm (L×W×H)
Air company: CZECH AIR FORCE
Aircraft manufacturer: Sukhoi
139,90 €
Out Of Stock

Product description

The fighter aircraft model Sukhoi Su22M4 Fitter K Czech Air Force, , Royal International Air Tattoo, 1995 has high-quality and detailed processing according to the real model. The package includes landing accessories and antennas.

The Sukhoi Su-17 is a variable-wing fighter-bomber developed for the Soviet Army. Its NATO intelligence name is "Fitter". Developed from the Sukhoi Su-7, the Su-17 was the first variable-sweep aircraft to enter Soviet service with updated avionics. The aircraft also has variants that were designed for export to non-Soviet states such as the Sukhoi Su-22 and the less popular Su-20.

It was produced in the years 1967-1990. The Su-17/20/22 series had a long career and was operated by many air forces, including the Air Force of the Russian Federation, the former Soviet republics, the former Warsaw Pact, countries of the Arab world, Angola and Peru. The Russian Federation retired its fleet in 1998.