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Transall C-160 LTG 63 Luftwaffe, 60 Years Luftwaffe"

Model manufacturer: Herpa
Order code: 558068
Scale: 1:200
Material: Combined (Metal / Plastic)
Weight: 0.8 kg
Registration number: 5095
Dimensions: 16.2 cm
Air company: Luftwaffe
Aircraft manufacturer: Transall
87,00 €
Out Of Stock

Product description

Luftwaffe Transall C-160 LTG 63 / Air Transport Wing "55 Years LTG 63 / 60 Years Luftwaffe"

Two anniversaries are simultaneously commemorated on this C-160: The 55th anniversary of the Transport Wing and the 60th anniversary of today’s German Air Force. The aircraft is painted in the colors of the state of Schleswig-Holstein, a time-line on the fuselage highlights milestones of the unit’s history.